Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dream 8/14/10

I had this dream last night... and lately I have been having dreams off of conversations I have had with my family or Friend(s). This one was interesting. Not only did we share an acting class with various Anime characters, but our assignment was to pick songs that describe your emotions, your feelings toward someone or a group of people. I walk in to the class room, there were 6 tables set in horizontal rows of two. It was vivid too. Toward the Northern wall were 5 windows, the Western wall has 3, the Eastern wall had two windows at either end of the wall. The door, where I stood was on the Southern wall.

The day was bright and partly cloudy, with a chance of rainy overcast some time. But at the moment, it was clear, beautiful partly cloudy day.
Here's a little diagram of where people were sitting:

I walk in. The 5 I mention are happy to see me. I quietly sit down, not saying hi back.

Getting to the real purpose of this post, I didn't list any songs in the dream. But listening to my favorite song playlist, I came up with some portions of song lyrics that well, suit the dream assignment. I wasn't assigned to my all friend group. I decided on the anime group.

I used abbreviations for 3 names. The other 3 are abbreviations of multiple characters...Here is what I came up with, and this is our of complete honnesty...:

I have taken the privlage of making a playlist off of my Youtube account. I listed the songs down below the playlist and the times I thought of the person in that certain song:

KKKALRSE: Within Temptaion- Stand My Ground 3:17
Sonata Arctica: I Want Out; Entire song
Within Temptaion- Last Time; Entire song
Evanescence- Imaginary (Origin); Entire song
Dragonforce- E.P.M 0:00-0:48
Within Temptation- Frozen 1:08-1:40
Axenstar- Daydreamer 2:46-3:00
Epica- Unleashed; Entire song

SDP.M: Celesty- Dark Emotions 3:17-3:38
Lunatica- Who You Are 0:35-1:10
Nightwish- Bye Bye Beatutiful 2:35-4:14

TSSKKPP: Nightwish- 7 Days to the Wolves: 0:00-1:02
Nightwish- Islander; Entire song
Kamelot- The Haunting (Somewhere in Time); Entire song

TSB: Epica- Never Enough 0:40-0:46, 1:04

OGA&LDD: Within Temptation- Overcome 1:03-1:32

TSSKKPP&SDP.M: Lunatica- Two Dreamers 1:55-2:35
(This one can be directed to DAR-MSB-TSSKKPP&SDP.M; First two parts of the song before the chorus DAR&MSB after the first chorus: is TSSKKPP&SDP.M)

SDP.M&OGA: Nightwish- Amaranth

All: Axenstar- Blind Leading the Blind 0:00-1:10
Within Temptaion - The Howling 3:22-5:33
Lunatica- Song for You; Entire song
Kamelot- Nothing Ever Dies 1:15-1:40
Epica- Cry for the Moon; Entire Song
Epica- Phantom Agony
Sonata Arctica- Victoria's Secret 1:03-1:30

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Me, Myself and 13 Other People

This is why I create characters: To prove that I don’t think I have to be…

Within my life time, I have created personalities that describe me. I created the majority of them in middle school. For years I have been RPing in my room with my iPod on full blast coming up with “dreams” and ways to prove and show that I am not what I seem. In these years I have created fur-personas of myself. Each character having traits that I have or wish I could have, or have but I never unleash them at any given time in certain situations. Physical traits such as Hair and eyes, and spiritual characteristics as in what animal I am (Like how the Native Americans always had that little instinct to tell what animal spirit is you? Hmm… Picture Disney’s: Brother Bear that might help.) What I like or what interests me.

I went to a Christian Private school that was pretty much down the road from where I lived. I moved there in the middle of 5th grade due to “issues” at my last elementary school. Over those years at GCA, I met everyone’s good friend: Mr. I-gotta-fit-in McPeerpressure. Now when you look at the word “peer pressure” you think of people pushing you into something that you don’t want to do, ie: drinking, sex, TPing someone’s house, etc. Well within a Christian atmosphere, we do that type of stuff, you can bet on your mother’s grave that we would be sleeping with the devil… or in the dog house. And that is only hypothetically speaking…

Through my middle school years there were 3-4 “stereotypes:”
-“Goth”/”Emo” (with the word ‘wannabe’ in front of each word)
- Wanderers

I myself was both a wanderer and an outcast. Through 6th and 7th grade I was a wanderer. I had no clue who or what to be. This is where about 1/2 of my fur-personas come in: Redwing Hawk, Ashley, Kathy, Lydiah, Tiffany, Fina, and Krystinoah. 8th Grade was more of a… Creation-Restoral period. I Created and expanded with Fina and Krystinoah. Freshman year I was into Sonic stuff, Kai and Black the Hedgehogs were born. Sophomore and Junior years was just a Punch in the face. New-NEW High School and a reality check: I knew what I wanted to be. Senior year will be Awesome! Who knows what will be created!

Their personalities…

Redwing, is Falco Lombardi’s “alter ego,” as I called her in Book II. Really, she’s Falco but a girl and Red… and has hair. How she is significant? Well, here’s a little backdrop of Falco: He originates from the Nintendo Star Fox game series. His comrades are Fox McCloud, Slippy Toad, and Peppy Hare. Falco was the cocky-loner type, who’s knowledge on flying is just mindboggling. He’s the best Ace beside from Fox’s father, James. He’s also a little short tempered and competitive. And that compliments his cockyness. Redwing is all of that. I always envisioned her as the cocky, risk-taking, competitive, little hothead in me.

Ashley was created off of well 1) A friend of mine from Elementary School 2) My Animal Crossing Game Cube game. She is the athletic peppy side of me. She is not competitive, like Redwing and Krystinoah, she’s more optimistic and a good sport when it comes to losing. Kathy originates from the same story. But she is the person I get my fashion from, and calmness. (Me, myself… am calm. And that didn’t make an ounce of sense)

Lydiah… Sweet, sweet Lydiah. I L-O-V-E the name.Now SHE is the “alter ego” of Fox McCloud, and I mean ALTER ego. She’s like me in middle school except she wasn’t much of a wanderer. She’s loyal, musical schoolgirl and most of all: Shy. She’s the shyness. Kate, Me, I’m the loyal and shy. All of my characters are Loyal, so that makes me, Kate, the loyal one. :]

Tiffany. Now she is basically me with Kathy’s clothing and a few highlights. I envisioned Tiffany as the one who doesn’t take shit from anyone. During the Book series, she starts off as a regular, shy, schoolgirl. As the sage carries on, she becomes more of a leader and more confident about herself. So she is the leader, confident, no-shit-taker side of me. Also, side note, in my early years of writing, I had started off with the Book Characters turning in to Nintendo’s Super Smash Brothers Melee characters. They each turned into a character that had been kidnapped. This is where Redwing comes in to play in the Book Series. Tiffany turns into Falco, or in this case Red. This is also the Book that Tiffany gains leadership and a lot of confidence in her decisions.

Fina… She was a personality at the time but her character is like Krystinoah, Lydiah, and Tiffany combined. So I’m moving to Krystinoah. I made Krystinoah as the demon within me, the anger that is never unleashed until triggered. And that is Krystinoah’s demon form. Make her mad, or extremely emotional and she turns in to her demon. She is also the “psyche-cotic” side. Love for not necessarily for complete violent death, but… Hmm mild to ultra torture?

Kai and Black are the same people. In a way. I would count Kai as the focal character… now that I think about it I don’t think I should count them as “me.” created them but not their origin. But Kai is envisioned to be my musical side, but writing this, I have decided to make Lydiah my musical. Now, Aoitonbo is different. I envisioned her as me. Artistic, wise, emotional anger, and confliction. Aoi has my experience with betrayal, life conflicts, and has my dislike of showing strong emotion. Krystinoah and Aoi are different yet the same. Krystionah has no dislike toward emotion, Aoi does. But regardless of their emotional views, they are all powerful. Krystinoah and Aoi are the Hell when separate, each has a unique way of showing it. Both of them combined make the “HOLY HELL!”

The final two are Sophie and Elélem, they both originate from the same story. They are my nature side. Sophie takes the Waters, while Elélem takes the land. Elélem is also the warrior and one who is not afraid to express herself. Sophie is the peace maker and warrior. I guess I could have said they were both the warrior within.

You can see each fur-persona on my banner. It’s not finished yet, but it’s in the works. ;]
So This is why I create characters: To prove that I don’t think I have to be…